9.Streams/Subject available
- Arts:
English, English Literature, Urdu, Arabic, Kashmiri, Persian, Education, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, History, Computer Application, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Geography, Music
- Medical:-
Anthropology, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Geography, Geology, Computer Application, Clinical Biochemistry
- Non-Medical:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Geology, Geography, Computer Application, Electronics.
- Commerce
- Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
10.Skill Courses
Early Childhood Care of Education, Learning Skills & Afsana in Urdu, Archaeology-an Introduction, Spoken Arabic-I, Computer Application, Disaster Management, PHP Programming, Elementary Computer Application, Apiculture, Guidance and Counseling, Financial Economics, English Writing Skills, Learning Skills of Drama in Urdu, Architecture of Kashmir, GIS and GPS Application, Geological Mapping techniques, Seed Technology-I, Post Harvest Technology, Learning Skills of Media Writing, Practical and Commercial Arabic, Fundamentals of Remote Sensing,
Sociology of Development, Democratic Awareness with legal literacy, Honorarium-I, Sericulture, Computational physical English, Seed Technology-II, Electric Circuits & network skills, Practical & Commercial Arabic, Sociology of Crime, Conflict & peace building,
Educational Technology, Honorarium-II.