Code of Conduct



The college believes in the highest form of discipline among the students, teachers and administrators alike in the college campus, that is ensured through a well-established code of conduct. The college discipline committee organized frequent awareness programmes in this regard to aware and sensitize the academic fraternity about the code of conduct and the same is displayed on college website for its effective dissemination.


College Discipline Committee





Prof. G R Ganie


Prof. Gowhar Ahmad Malik


Dr Riyaz Ahmad Mir


Prof. AlamAra


Dr ShahidaBano


Prof. Mohd Asgar Khan


Dr Ali Mohd Pir





Part-A Code of Conduct for Students

In order to ensure the proper development of students, the following code of conduct has been set for students.

  1. The student uniform is mandatory for entering into the campus. The college discipline committee strictly monitors and ensures that no student enters the college premises without a proper dress code.
  2. Student entry is allowed only subject to the production of a valid college identity card, which is ensured by manning of the gate from 9 AM to 5 AM.
  3. The students are allowed to enter into the college premises from 9 45 AM and not allowed to leave before 3: 30 PM in order to ensure that the students attend all the classes properly.
  4. Any students having an unauthorized absence for 10 consecutive days is suspended immediately with a show cause notice and given an opportunity to justify the same, failing which suitable action is taken.
  5. A minimum of 75 % attendance is mandatory for being eligible to appear in the End Semester Examinations. A shortfall of 5 % can be condoned the respective HOD’s and further 5 % shortfall can be condoned by the Principal. Under no circumstances shall a student having less than 65 % attendance be allowed to appear in the End Semester Examinations.
  6. Ragging of any form is strictly prohibited in and around the college, and the anti-ragging directives are being displayed on the college notice boards. Any kind of deviation is being dealt strictly. All the students are being made to fill a mandatory anti-ragging undertaking at the time of admission.
  7. The students must use the dustbins installed at different areas of the college campus and should avoid putting any kind of waste material in the college campus.
  8. The college has declared the campus as smoke free zone and prohibits the use of any kind of tobacco/ intoxicants/drug abuse within or near the college campus.
  9. The students are not allowed to conduct any kind of gatherings/ programmes/celebrations without the prior approval of the college administration.
  10. No student shall be involved in any kind of damage to the college property including writing on the walls, damaging the seating, lights, scratching the smart boards etc.
  11. No student shall make any kind of payments to the college without any proper college receipts.


Part-B Code of Conduct for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff


  1. Discharging the duties with utmost dedication, punctuality and in accordance with the academic and administrative regulations.
  2. Continuous updation of knowledge and skills to further the professional competence and to deliver the assigned duties satisfactorily.
  3. Conducting themselves in the most dignified way with seniors/ colleagues and the students all the time.
  4. Performing all the assigned duties including classwork/practical’s/tutorials/evaluation

/examination duties with dedication.

  1. Always seek prior permission from the concerned authority at any time for leave from duties.
  2. Refrain from any sort of associations/links with any political party and not to take part in any other organization actively, which is not in line with the duties and ethics of the teaching profession.
  3. In no way should any employee participate in any strike or demonstration and /or indulge in any criticism of the Government and or College administration Policies, Plans, Orders for any reason whatsoever.